The day my child crapped in the bathtub.

Oh yes. It happened. There are just some things that you aren't prepared for as a parent. Why didn't anybody warn me about this?! I was fully expecting to get tinkled on a little bit with a boy and all, but I was definitely not expecting all of these poop dilemmas. {Katie, it's going in the book!} :)

I'll do you a favor and not post the picture. I do have a picture (of course), but even I have limits on what is too tasteless to plaster out here in cyberspace.Well okay, I kind of have limits.

And now I make a promise to my dear sweet reader(s). I'm officially done blogging about poop. Who would have thought one could have so much to say on the subject?


Brigid Pitts said…
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in my experience, this is is NEVER a one-time occurrence. In fact, I would call it a phase. You will adapt though - no more playing in the bathtub for Harrison. He can get a 3 minute sanitation scrub-down, then the diaper goes back on. You also may need to conveniently decide that all of Harrison's baths need to happen when Rick is at home.
Kelsey said…
Ugh...that is so NOT what I wanted to hear!!! But thank you for telling me the truth at least. I had no idea that they find this sort of thing fun. Ick!

And I definitely like your thinking about the bath-time schedule!
Anonymous said…
you should ask your sister-in-law...her boys do it all the time... yuck... love ya mary
Anonymous said…
THANKS, MIL!!! Nice. Very nice.

But Kelsey? She's right. All. The. Frigging. Time.

Christian? Not so much.

The boys? All. The. Frigging. Time.

They play in the toilets. They unroll the toilet paper. Possibly the best newest "thing" is Cavan walking around with his hand in his pants. I was at McDonald's today with a friend. I heard the parents (of a girl, of course) at the table next to us giggling. Their giggling got louder and louder, until I finally realized that Cavan was putting on a show. Walking around grinning at everybody with his hands in his pants.

Good times.

I'm going back to onesies. Maybe you should invest in swim diapers for bathtime.
Kelsey said…
I noticed Cavan had his hand in his pants last weekend. Haha! Harrison's hand goes down there automatically at every diaper change and bath and then a giggle soon follows. What is it with these boys?!

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