
A conversation this morning:

Harrison: My head hurts, Mommy.
Me: Did you bump it on something?
Harrison: No. I think I've just been using it too much.

Ha! That boy is always keeping us laughing. Unfortunately though, hindsight is 20/20 and his headache was a hint of more to come. Today was the first day that Rick has been able to go with me to drop the kids off at school and I am SO thankful. We got the kids out of the truck and Harrison asked his dad to carry him (hint #2). 30 seconds later and Rick was covered in vomit. So while our breakfast date got swiftly canceled, I was very grateful that a) I wasn't the one who got puked all over, and b) he was there to stay with Harrison so I could still go in and get Harper pottied and situated in her classroom. I think Rick was thankful too...he was originally just going to take the kids to school and go straight to work but I convinced him to let me tag along and treat him to breakfast. Poor guy would have been a deer in headlights if he would have had to deal with that situation all by himself. ha!

poor baby :(


 The climbing-out-of-her-crib situation with Harper is not going well. We did pick up a twin bed for Harrison over the weekend and I plan to move his toddler bed into her room. It won't help with the napping/sleeping issues but at least I won't have to worry about her breaking her neck. 

Downside: she thinks she doesn't need to nap any longer or go to sleep at a reasonable time at night. (Even though by 4 or 5 she's a monster and like this day, fell asleep in the car at 5:30 pm)

she. was. OUT!

Upside: She's growing her palate for new foods. I've been trying to get her to eat raw carrots for months, but now that it was her idea to raid them out of the refrigerator in the middle of the night, she's all about them. :)


Last week we got to see my cousin! She was down in the area so we met up for dinner. We don't get to see her nearly enough.


The kids go to Awana on Wednesday nights. I had never heard of this organization until last year but I'm so glad I did. It's class that kids go to throughout the school year and graduate up to the next level each year. They memorize bible verses and sing songs and play fun games. Each kid gets their own vest and as they get to certain levels they get patches to iron on. Harper isn't old enough to be in the Cubbies class yet (she goes to the Puggle class) but she has learned everything Harrison has just because he's so excited to sing the songs and we work on his verses and his workbook together throughout the week. Just in the last month and a half he's memorized 7 verses! Which means that I have too...just one more example of God working through my children to continue to grow and teach me. I have never been good at scripture memorization and that has always been an excuse not to even attempt it. But I am proof that anybody can do it! And I admit, listening to the songs on repeat in the car drives me a little batty at times but then hearing both my kiddos speaking truth makes it worthwhile in an instant. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

They LOVE going and always have so much fun


I'm hosting a baby shower this weekend for my friend Rachel. Stacie came over Wednesday night after our kids were in bed to work on some of the craft projects and homemade gifts. I don't know if it was because we were enjoying each others' company or because we're nuts and decided to design and hand-stitch 5 onesies, but we were up until 4:30am. Who said we were too old to pull off an all-nighter? Nope, we are freakin' rock stars! ha! I got two hours of sleep before it was time to get up for the day...but there is definitely something to say about adrenaline. I may have been delirious and loopy, but I was more productive the next day than I average on a full night's sleep.


Harper wanted to take a picture next to her pumpkin. I made her outfit and she kept pointing out to everybody that "H is for Barper!". And then today...less than a week later...she officially began calling herself "Harper." It totally caught me off guard. It's been a running joke in our house since before she was 2. We ask her, "What's your name?" and she always smiles and says, "Barper!" and we say, "Not Barper with a B, silly, Harper with an H! Ha-ha-ha-Harper!" and she laughs and says, "ha-ha-ha-Barper!". And then today, just like that, she's Harper with an H. I'm not sure I'm okay with that.


For Family Night on Friday, we had pizza over candlelight. We put a tablecloth over our coffee table and the kids were practically giddy. It's the little things in life, like getting to eat in the living room.  After dinner we played Chutes and Ladders which always causes my blood pressure to rise. For some reason my 2 and 3 year olds don't care about following the rules and advancing the correct number of spaces. :)


Rick came through for me in a BIG way. I've shared on here before about my beloved relationship with Rainbow Chip icing. (here, here, & here; I may or may not have a slight obsession) It's been my frosting of choice for every birthday since before I can even remember. Well I noticed it was disappearing from store after store until eventually I couldn't find it anywhere. I got that sinking feeling and google confirmed my fear. It's been discontinued. I can't believe Betty Crocker would do this to me. Anyhow, after a lot of FB discussion and internet research, I found out there is a petition to bring it back (which I promptly signed, of course) and also saw that there were a few containers for sale on eBay for $15-$25 A PIECE. I'm not gonna lie...I was very tempted to buy some. I even went back on that night but they were already sold out. Well, on Sunday I got the following picture texted to me from Rick:

On his way home from the shop he stopped at a nearby store and hit the jackpot. He bought out the remaining stock...which was SIX tubs of rainbow chip magic. I so love that man!


Sunday night we painted pumpkins. Note to self: next year, don't use washable paint. It didn't really stick to the pumpkins and when I set them outside to dry, I didn't even think to check the weather forecast. Yep, it rained. But it was still a lot of fun painting them and definitely a good thing it was washable paint because both kids thought it would be more fun to paint themselves. Sillies!


And now I have to go snuggle this poor guy some more. He has been in bad shape all day and I feel so awful for him. :(


Jocelyn said…
Awww... I would be sad about her not saying Barper anymore too!

And hint, hint... if you have any girly "H" clothes you're looking to purge, I'll take them. :-) We've decided our daughter's name will start with an H!

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