I've got my random hat on.

Lots going on around here lately. We are about to leave to go up to Oklahoma for a few days and I have a million zillion thoughts floating through my head of everything I need to get done beforehand. This will be our first road trip and overnight stay with a baby in tow. Should be interesting! I'm thinking we may need to rent a U-Haul. Rick thinks I over-pack for myself -- just wait until he sees Harrison's cargo. Ha!

Saturday, we headed down the street for a barbecue at the Salsky-Forbis house. They just had a patio added on and it looks great!

 Sunday, we were supposed to go to Grayson's birthday party but it got canceled because he was sick. Poor thing -- this was already a rescheduled party because the first one was canceled due to bad weather. So instead, we took Harrison over to his Beda and Pappy's house to go swimming for a little bit. He loved it! I wish I had gotten some pictures but from personal experience I've learned to keep expensive cameras away from pools of water...

Sunday night was the LOST Series Finale - Event-of-the-Decade. Or at least that's what the promos kept calling it. I personally was a highly disappointed with the ending and think in all fairness they should have called it the LOST Series Finale - Oh-Crap-We-Were-Counting-On-Getting-Canceled-Years-Ago-and-Therefore-Have-No-Answers. I kept an open mind because I knew there was no way they could possibly wrap up all of the mysteries and loose ends of the wicked-complicated plot, but the route they took to end the show felt like a total cop-out and massive betrayal. My initial instinct was to declare the last six years of my faithful following a complete waste of time and energy, I'm not going to lie. But after I slept on it for a few days (this is SERIOUS, people!), I acknowledged that no matter how disappointing the conclusion, it was still a fascinating show. To quote something I read out there on the interwebz, "The destination may be a disappointment, but the journey was fantastic."  If you watched Lost, what was your opinion?

Moving on.

Today Harrison had his very first play date!  Okay, okay. I admit that it was really more for me than him, but he had fun too. I made a friend at MOPS and she and her little boy Hamilton came over for a few hours. I had a fabulous time chatting with her and I got a crash course on how I need to child-proof my house, ha!

Speaking of child-proofing, I need to get on that STAT. Harrison is trying so hard to crawl and I have a feeling it won't be much longer before he's in to everything. He has gotten to the point where he looks around the room and is intrigued by his surroundings and then gets so frustrated that he can't go check it all out. Hopefully his reflux will calm down before he gets too mobile. Or else I think we'll be replacing the flooring sooner than originally planned...

Hope everybody has a great holiday weekend. Be safe!


Anonymous said…
Y'all have fun and be safe!!!
Lindsay Salsky said…
I love the pic of you, Katie and Harrison! Good luck and have a safe trip.
Jeff Norman said…
I feel the same about LOST and I am thankful that I just started watching last year so I only wasted 1 Year opposed to the 6.
Jeff Norman said…
I feel the same about LOST and I am thankful that I just started watching last year so I only wasted 1 Year opposed to the 6.

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