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Summer is here!
they keep growing, growing, growing |
And this sweet boy...
...graduated from Pre-K!
The kids performed at their Spring Sing and it was so fun seeing them up there with each other and with their friends. Harrison was hamming it up and did all the gestures. He was so proud that he wasn't scared. Harper a mood. Ha! She participated for one song but then decided to just stand there scowling with her finger in her mouth.
There was an auction to raise money for the school and my hubby "won" this beauty for me. I gotta say, seeing him get into a bidding war for me was pretty hot :)
We have yet to break her in but I'm sure she will get lots of use in the future!
The kids had swim lessons. They were at my mom's pool which was super helpful with me not feeling so good. She was able to learn all of the tips and tricks so she can keep working with them throughout the summer. They aren't quite there yet (although Harrison is SO close) but it is amazing to see their progress after just 2 weeks. Harper was terrified the first day and cried the whole time. But she still cooperated through the tears and whimpering and by day 2 she was less scared. And by the second week she was smiling and jumping in with no hesitation. This is the same child who screamed bloody murder when she got water splashed on her face in the bath, so I am so proud of her!
Look at how much she improved:
I had my anatomy ultrasound last week. Everything looked great with Nugget and the tech confirmed she is a girl. :) She is measuring a week ahead in the 90th percentile and is breech, but obviously has plenty of time to flip. My placenta...ugh. It's anterior this time (in the front instead of in the back like most). There's a risk that it attached to my scar tissue which is known as placenta accreta and is pretty serious. It could also potentially cause difficulties with another c/s if it is in the way of the incision site (if I decide to not go the VBAC route). But it is still really early to worry about any of that so we'll see what the next ultrasound shows. From what I understand the majority don't cause complications so hopefully I'm in that group this time. I was really surprised to hear that it is anterior because I started feeling her move by 11 weeks. Now I REALLY don't understand how people say they didn't know they were pregnant...because an anterior placenta is usually their excuse for how they didn't feel the baby kicking. I'm calling bluff!
Sucking on her fingers |
The kids were with me, which is always a blast. We were playing I Spy and Simon Says to pass the time and Harper kept getting mad because she really sucks at Simon Says and her brother and I can't help but laugh. Then Harrison started reading all the posters to us and asking questions about them. The OB's office probably isn't the best place for that. One of the posters said, "Stop your period from controlling your life." So you can imagine how fun that was. ;) And then when my doctor came in he commented that I looked like I'm feeling a little better since I had a smile on my face. Harrison was quick to interject. "Actually, I saw her throwing up in the kitchen sink last night. It was really gross." Thanks, kid! Never a dull moment.
Saturday was our 9th wedding anniversary. Which also meant 15 years since our first date. That still boggles my mind. I seriously feel like I just graduated from high school 5 years ago. Time is cruel when you become an adult and start having babies.
My mom kept the kids for us so we could go on a date. We made it a day date since I'm worthless and disgusting by sunset. We are really super fun and hip because to celebrate, we hopped in our minivan and ventured into Houston to go to Pottery Barn. And THAT'S how you know you are old and lame. Ha! We always exchange traditional anniversary gifts, and year 9 is pottery. Hence, Pottery Barn. We were hoping to find a bedside table, but since we didn't feel like spending $800 on one, we instead settled on a cheese platter and tiered serving dish. They fit more into the "pottery" category anyway so it worked out for the best. :)
We tried to shop a little in Rice Village but after walking 3 or 4 blocks I felt like I was going to die. I really didn't want to vomit on the crowded sidewalk so I ducked into a restaurant and Rick went to get the car to come pick me up. It's really sad and frustrating to still feel such physical limitations. I started off the day really thinking I could will myself into feeling good and having a fun day, but the whole mind-over-matter strategy doesn't seem to work no matter how much I want it to. But it was still a good day. Just spending a kid-free day with my honey was great. We went to see a movie (Spy -- it was hilarious) and then called it a day and came home and hung out on the couch. I am so thankful to have such a caring man as my husband and best friend. He sure fills up my heart and makes me wonder how I got so lucky. I hit the jackpot with this one.