It's a...
GIRL! The results finally came back on Tuesday. I will remember that phone call for the rest of my life. It was such a special moment of excitement hearing that the baby is healthy and at low risk for any chromosomal abnormalities and also finding out that we are having another daughter. I was smiling ear to ear and it was so nice to have something to celebrate amidst my misery!
Harper is thrilled to be getting a sister. I don't have a sister so I'm excited for her to have that special relationship! Harrison was pulling for a brother but didn't seem disappointed at all. In his words, "it's gonna be fun to be the ruler over two little girls!" But surely he means "leader," right? Ha! Rick and I didn't have a preference either way. He thought it was going to be a boy and I had no idea. From a logistical standpoint a girl is more ideal with the age gaps and room sharing situation. Harper can hardly wait to have a pink, girly room. I'm hoping her mother hen nature will make her a good and cooperative roommate to a baby. We shall soon see.
Now we get to start having the name conversations. We are still on the fence if it will be an "H" name or not. This is definitely our last biological baby but we are still open to the possibility of adopting through foster care down the line. Even though it's a girl, Harper really wants her name to be Marcus (the name of a very special baby whom they both adore...but that's all I'll say ;)) Harrison likes Padme, and says we can call her Paddy for short. Their "H" suggestions are pretty awesome, too. Harper votes for Hello Kitty or Heart and Harrison likes Han Solo or Harah, not to be confused with "Harah-son." All great contenders, right? Rick has been equally as helpful. When we first found out I was pregnant he suggested we go with Hermaphrodite (Hermie for short) since it is gender neutral and we could be done with the naming process before we even find out the sex. He is a special man. We have complete opposite personalities and he would be fine not picking anything out until after she's born. I, however, already have a list that I add to and delete from pretty much daily.