Santa, Take 2

Harrison had a very special visitor yesterday. He came to our house all the way from the North Pole, just to say hello to a sweet little boy and give him a goodie out of his sack of toys.

Good thing Santa is used to frigid temperatures, because Harrison's welcome was not quite so warm. Ha!

This man AGAIN????

I don't understand why you're doing this to meeeeee!

Moooommmmmyyy, please come rescue me!!!

It was the saddest thing. When Santa first came in the house, I was holding Harrison for a few minutes so he could warm up to the jolly man in the red suit. He was giving him some pretty questionable stares, let me tell ya. When I set him down on the floor, he wouldn't even stand up. He crawled in between my legs as fast as he could and just clung to my leg. He wanted nothing to do with Santa or the toy he brought him. Poor baby!

After Santa was back on the road he finally calmed down and reconsidered the stuffed horsey that he had totally shunned minutes before. Yes, Santa out of the picture = a much happier baby.

 I went back and found this picture that was taken when Santa visited him last year:

Look how teeny tiny my little baby was!


Today is going to be a fun day. First of all, it's one of our very best friends' birthday. Happy birthday, Jeff! We will hopefully at some point get to go by and see him today and wish him a happy birthday in person. I know a little boy who would love to give him a big hug! Then, tonight I'm going to the Nutcracker with my mom and my grandma. It's a fun tradition we've been doing for several years now and I'm really looking forward to it. Between now and then, I have some gifts to wrap, some laundry to do (when do I not?), and some baby cuddles to steal.

Before I go, let me just share a couple of pictures I snapped of my little thief in action. I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast and noticed that Harrison was being suspiciously quiet. When I went to investigate, this is what I found:

I think I just struck gold!

Outta my way, Mom. I've got some shopping to do!

He had gotten into my purse and had dug out my credit card out of my wallet. Seriously?! What am I going to do with this child?!


Brigid Pitts said…
My credit card went missing last night - I think I may need to interrogate Charlie when I get home. BTW - Merry Christmas! So excited about baby girl Boyd!
Kelsey said…
Those just can't trust them alone for a minute!

Good luck with your move. I'm so happy for you guys!
Aw, poor Harrison! He looks SO cute in his little vest though! :) That is TOO funny that he got your credit card. What a mess! Merry Christmas to y'all - I'm sure it will be an extra fun one this year. :)
he is SOOOO stinkin cute! poor little guy!

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