The results are in....


It's a......


At least we are 95% sure. I'm going back next week to confirm and to mitigate that 5% margin of error (<----like my nerdy jargon there? You can take the bank out of the girl, but not the statistical analysis. ha!). She said she felt 100% certain that it was a girl, but since I'm still pretty early I could come back next week to ease my worry about wrong results. She's only been wrong one time in her career so I feel pretty safe to say that we will be having a daughter and Harrison will be having a little sister.

We are beyond excited!

And now I will use every fiber of my strength to refrain from buying tons and tons of frilly girl stuff! At least for now. :)


twinkietotmom said…
Congrats! Girls are so much fun (more work than boys and I already can tell that and mine are only 17 months old...not 17! ha!). It will be so good for her to have a big brother to watch out for will love seeing the relationship they have! My son loves my daughters and they just adore him!
Anonymous said…
yea!!!!! i am so excited. now i get to buy girl stuff. i bought christian some clothes the other day... she hates to shop for clothes. she actually wore them...give harrison a hug for me and we will see you soon. love bamaw
Yeah!! Congrats...that is SO exciting! You look SO cute. How fun!! :)
aww yay!! how exciting! congratulations!

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