I'm dusting off my keyboard in an attempt to update this old blog of ours. I'm not sure if anyone even blogs anymore with all of the other forms of social media that have taken over. But I've missed it. Life has been busy and hectic and I haven't carved out any time to get on here and update anything but I'm hoping to change that. I love having a space to document our memories as my babies grow.
Since I've last posted, one kid has turned 8 (and then 8 1/2), one kid has turned 7, and one has started talking and saying the funniest things. I know my brain won't hold onto these memories no matter how strongly I beg it to. So here I am. Hi again! 👋
So, what's new?
★ My babies are growing up. Harrison is now officially a 3rd grader, Harper is now a 2nd grader, and Hadley is a feisty hurricane at 2 1/2.
★ We are fostering again. Whoa, right?! We've had a sweet almost 3-yr old little girl with us for 2 weeks now. I have so much I want to share about our journey here.
★ We moved into our new house a little over a year ago. (Man, I have really been slacking on here)
★ Our business is growing. We are building a new shop and office closer to home and will be moving in in about 4-6 weeks. It's definitely a stressful time but will be so worth it to have more space.
★ We've gone on a few trips/vacations that I'll hopefully share pictures of soon.
★ Today is our 12th wedding anniversary. We met 18 years ago on this day as well. How ON EARTH can that be??? It blows my mind a little that I'm old enough for this to be possible. I've known Rick for over half my life now.
I have a bajillion pictures I want to get on here but here are a few to get me started.
Red River, NM |
my heart |
rolling around in the dirt |
getting ready to pour the foundation |
Super Lulu |
dance recital |
feeding each other fishies |
2 peas in a pod |
last day of school celebrations |
skating fun |
"working" on the new shop |
being a monkey |
sweet sisters 💗 |
Turks & Caicos with the love of my life |