24 Weeks
It's hard to believe it's been 4 weeks since my last pregnancy update. What's even harder to believe is that I just typed that last sentence! Every day of this pregnancy has felt like an eternity. When people say in conversation that they can't believe how fast time is flying by, I feel the exact opposite. I sort of feel like I've been gestating an elephant and have been pregnant for 2 years. Ha.
The last couple of weeks have been so much better! By 22 weeks with Harrison my vomiting was finally gone. That's not the case with this pregnancy, but it feels much more like normal morning sickness than the constant nausea/vomiting I've been dealing with for the last 4 months. I have more chunks throughout the day of feeling almost like my old self again and I am SO thankful. We are getting out a lot more and even though I still feel crappy, I'm functioning so much better. As far as the vomiting, I'm still throwing up some but nothing like before. I feel the worst in the evenings so I'm still not really up for cooking dinner again yet, but my appetite is back and I'm and keeping so much more food down. Progress!!!! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger.
I've had other issues pop up since my last update, but I will GLADLY deal with them over the HG misery. My pelvis is giving me a lot of trouble. More specifically, my sacroiliac joint. I had this same issue with Harrison but it's a lot worse this time. My OB referred me to a chiropractor and I am now going in 3 times a week to get re-adjusted. It really seems to help but usually by the next day the pain is back. It doesn't hurt at all while I'm still, but the moment I try to stand up or walk it's awful. The other day I was on the floor with the kids and I literally could not get back up by myself. It's a glimpse into what getting old is going to be like and I'm definitely not looking forward to the elderly years...
Here is a belly picture taken last week. After my chiro appointment we ran into Hobby Lobby to look for fabric for the girls' room. We walked down the mirror isle and Harper looked up from the game she was playing on my phone and said with big eyes, "Whoa Mommy. Look at how huge your belly looks! Hold on, I need to take a picture of it!"
Symptoms: Still some nausea and vomiting, SPD joint issues, nosebleeds, and my lovely chloasma is back. I've had it in every pregnancy and it doesn't go away until I'm done breastfeeding. Boo!!
Best Moment this week: Starting to feel a little better and actually getting out and enjoying activities with my family!
The last couple of weeks have been so much better! By 22 weeks with Harrison my vomiting was finally gone. That's not the case with this pregnancy, but it feels much more like normal morning sickness than the constant nausea/vomiting I've been dealing with for the last 4 months. I have more chunks throughout the day of feeling almost like my old self again and I am SO thankful. We are getting out a lot more and even though I still feel crappy, I'm functioning so much better. As far as the vomiting, I'm still throwing up some but nothing like before. I feel the worst in the evenings so I'm still not really up for cooking dinner again yet, but my appetite is back and I'm and keeping so much more food down. Progress!!!! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger.
I've had other issues pop up since my last update, but I will GLADLY deal with them over the HG misery. My pelvis is giving me a lot of trouble. More specifically, my sacroiliac joint. I had this same issue with Harrison but it's a lot worse this time. My OB referred me to a chiropractor and I am now going in 3 times a week to get re-adjusted. It really seems to help but usually by the next day the pain is back. It doesn't hurt at all while I'm still, but the moment I try to stand up or walk it's awful. The other day I was on the floor with the kids and I literally could not get back up by myself. It's a glimpse into what getting old is going to be like and I'm definitely not looking forward to the elderly years...
Here is a belly picture taken last week. After my chiro appointment we ran into Hobby Lobby to look for fabric for the girls' room. We walked down the mirror isle and Harper looked up from the game she was playing on my phone and said with big eyes, "Whoa Mommy. Look at how huge your belly looks! Hold on, I need to take a picture of it!"
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23w2d |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of baby: 12 inches long (about the size of an ear of corn) and 1 1/2 lbs.
Weight Gain/Loss: I have finally gained some weight! I'm up 10lbs now. My appetite is back in full force and I also get really nauseated when my stomach is empty, so I'm eating a ton of food now. So, so happy! I have missed food :)
Clothes: I just went through my closet and found a whopping 2 shirts that aren't maternity that I can still make work.
Gender: A sweet baby sister. We are 90% decided on a name. Rick is 100% decided and I am trying to get there.
Movement: Baby H is a feisty one. Lots of kicks and punches and hiccups. The kids love watching my belly bounce all over the place.
SO much better. I was so scared to alter my meds but when I finally did, I realized it wasn't even helping. So I've been feeling drowsy and exhausted for nothing. Now I'm off all meds and my insomnia is much better and I wake up feeling refreshed.
I miss: An occasional beer on a hot summer day.
Cravings: Banana splits. Harper had her first one a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind ever since. It's super mean though because even though ice cream sounds so good to me, every time I give in and indulge it usually makes me feel awful and doesn't stay down.
Best Moment this week: Starting to feel a little better and actually getting out and enjoying activities with my family!