Dear Harper,
You have gone and turned SEVEN on me. My little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead isn't quite so little and she doesn't even have curly hair anymore. But the nursery rhyme still holds true -- you are really really good 99% of the time but when you're not, well, you know how the rest goes ;)
Even though I can still close my eyes and picture you as a itty bitty baby or a curly-headed toddler, at the same time you also have an old soul and sometimes I forget that you are still just a little girl. You are very mature for your age but you also have such an innocence about you that I just adore. You are so kind-hearted and sensitive. You are extremely helpful and look around for ways to contribute without ever being asked. You want to grow up and do big things with your life and make a difference in this world...and also be a professional singer at the same time :) You are a sweet girl but also have a dark side and love to creep us out for laughs. Only those closest to you ever get to see this side of you because you are pretty bashful and shy.
You are very smart and love school. Your favorite subjects are writing, art, math, and your GT class. You also love reading and were already at a 3rd grade level at the beginning of 1st grade. You aren't so fond of P.E. though and somehow always manage to have a temporary injury that requires you to sit out. Ha! You LOVED your teacher this year, Mrs. Ruszkowski, and will always remain one of her love bugs. You really did grow and shine so much over this last year.
You don't really play with toys anymore outside of your dollhouse and barbies, occasionally. You prefer drawing, art projects, and writing "books". You are a fashionista and love putting together "fancy" outfits. You love to help me cook and bake. According to you, you are now too old to watch Disney Jr. (even though I still catch you zoning out when your sister is watching) and now you want to watch big kid shows like Project MC2, Jessie, Bunk'd, The Good Witch, etc. You still really love Tom & Jerry as well. You are still into Disney Princess movies but only play dress up rarely any more. You love dance and piano lessons and are always singing. You learned how to ride a bike without training wheels -- after years of us trying to help you (and everyone getting frustrated in the process), you finally decided to just teach yourself one day and we looked up and off you were going.
Harper Grace, my gosh there is just no way to express how much I love you. I know I'm your mom and not supposed to be your "friend." But honestly, I feel like we are the best pals and I can't imagine not spending these days with you as my sidekick. Having a daughter is such a blessing and I thank God every day for you and the light you shine so brightly into our lives.
Love always,

You have gone and turned SEVEN on me. My little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead isn't quite so little and she doesn't even have curly hair anymore. But the nursery rhyme still holds true -- you are really really good 99% of the time but when you're not, well, you know how the rest goes ;)
Even though I can still close my eyes and picture you as a itty bitty baby or a curly-headed toddler, at the same time you also have an old soul and sometimes I forget that you are still just a little girl. You are very mature for your age but you also have such an innocence about you that I just adore. You are so kind-hearted and sensitive. You are extremely helpful and look around for ways to contribute without ever being asked. You want to grow up and do big things with your life and make a difference in this world...and also be a professional singer at the same time :) You are a sweet girl but also have a dark side and love to creep us out for laughs. Only those closest to you ever get to see this side of you because you are pretty bashful and shy.
You are very smart and love school. Your favorite subjects are writing, art, math, and your GT class. You also love reading and were already at a 3rd grade level at the beginning of 1st grade. You aren't so fond of P.E. though and somehow always manage to have a temporary injury that requires you to sit out. Ha! You LOVED your teacher this year, Mrs. Ruszkowski, and will always remain one of her love bugs. You really did grow and shine so much over this last year.
You don't really play with toys anymore outside of your dollhouse and barbies, occasionally. You prefer drawing, art projects, and writing "books". You are a fashionista and love putting together "fancy" outfits. You love to help me cook and bake. According to you, you are now too old to watch Disney Jr. (even though I still catch you zoning out when your sister is watching) and now you want to watch big kid shows like Project MC2, Jessie, Bunk'd, The Good Witch, etc. You still really love Tom & Jerry as well. You are still into Disney Princess movies but only play dress up rarely any more. You love dance and piano lessons and are always singing. You learned how to ride a bike without training wheels -- after years of us trying to help you (and everyone getting frustrated in the process), you finally decided to just teach yourself one day and we looked up and off you were going.
Harper Grace, my gosh there is just no way to express how much I love you. I know I'm your mom and not supposed to be your "friend." But honestly, I feel like we are the best pals and I can't imagine not spending these days with you as my sidekick. Having a daughter is such a blessing and I thank God every day for you and the light you shine so brightly into our lives.
Love always,
